Home science Arrange vegetables for tanning

Arrange vegetables for tanning

Arrange vegetables for tanning

Who does not want to show off a filetan Perfect during the summer? It is definitely a practice to limit, and to be avoided during the hottest hours of the day. Moreover, it is important to remember that you need to protect yourself from UV rays.

However, there is good news for all those who love the color of amber on their skin. Apparently, all Fruits and vegetables Do you like it? But let’s see which vegetables are the most suitable and studied to support the theory.

Coldiretti survey about Italian tanneries

Tan-promoting fruits and vegetables are also part of the summer diet One in three Italians. For others, who have so far used products of various types to get their desired tan, it may be helpful to learn more about Coldirity’s survey.

These are rich foods Vitamin A, which promotes the production of melanin, which is responsible for the amber color he loves so much. On the platform of the peasant organization are carrots, radicchio and apricots. However, strawberries, cherries, bell peppers, and tomatoes also help to get the perfect tan.

But it’s not just nutrition that makes the difference. Coldiretti remembers how important it was Protect yourself from the sun With the following precautions:

  • Use creams suitable for your skin.
  • Avoid exposure during the hours when the sun is strongest.
  • Avoid wearing perfumes and other jewels.
  • Wear hats, sunglasses and T-shirts.

Coldiretti always explains that in case you’ve been careless and become a burn victim, there are gods out there Natural remedies Repair. These include rolls with white yogurt, masks with slices of watermelon (in this regard, you know how best to cut it) or with grated apple. Speaking of which, here’s what to do if your sunscreen has expired.

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Arrange fruits and vegetables for a better tan

Among the fruits and vegetables that promote tanning, there are gods A valuable vegetable By Italians who love to relax in the sun and darken their skin.

  1. carrot.
  2. radicchio and spinach.
  3. apricot.
  4. Dandelion and lettuce.
  5. watermelon.
  6. celery.
  7. Pepper.
  8. tomatoes.
  9. peach.
  10. Watermelon, strawberry and cherry.

Here it is top ten Reported by Coldiretti. However, are we really sure that these foods are really helpful in making the skin an even tan and the desired shade?

But do vegetables really make us tan?

According to experts, they are determined Nutrients Contained in fruits and vegetables to enhance tanning. Moreover, they allow the intake of mineral salts, vitamins and water, and protect the skin and replenish what it has lost when you sweat due to the heat.

The most important material when it comes to tanning is me carotenoids;, which stimulate melanin and are present in most foods in the order. Beta-carotene is found in green, orange and yellow vegetables. Other foods that contain omega-3 also promote a tan:

  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.
  • Flaxseed and oil.
  • Chia seeds.
  • algae.
  • avocado.

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