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“Soon we will start with fragile patients, we will use Pfizer and our Modern” – Corriere.it

from Margherita de Pac

Coordinator of the Counter-Terrorism Service: “The necessity of vaccination? A political option, but it remains an option to consider.”

“Introduction ofVaccination commitment Anti-Covid is The decision is up to politics. Prime Minister Draghi and Minister Esperanza have been clear. It is one of the options to consider, and it is also possible on the basis ofArticle 32 of the constitutionI just got out of G20 session In the Capitol, Franco Locatelli He preferred to focus on the problems of low and middle income countries. but The debate on extending the green corridor AndVaccination commitment at the government table, The head of state, Sergio Mattarella himself, bluntly intervened about this subject. The Coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee listened to him during his participation in the International Summit:We discussed the impact of the epidemic worldwide and prospects for sustainable development. One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2015 in the 2030 Agenda relates to Maintain good health at all ages. The primary goal is to try to ensure comprehensive and adequate health care. But such a devastating pandemic threatens to slow or even derail the course, forcing us to postpone the deadline in nine years.”

Professor Locatelli, can you say what commitments have been made on this occasion?

“The need to ensure that vaccines reach countries with limited resources where there are currently very few doses available has been shared. In some African countries, it was not possible to vaccinate even 5% of the population. The most effective strategy will be a strategy Cooperation among G20 members. The role of Italy, which holds the current presidency, was essential and was unanimously appreciated, as it gave a great impetus to these initiatives.”

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I think so Vaccines must be imposed To the 3.5 million Italians over the age of 50 who haven’t even received a single dose?

“Dialogue, persuasion, and conviction always remain the main path. Choosing not to get vaccinated is especially harmful to those who receive it. In addition to “not loving one another,” it means not wanting to go in the direction of a sense of civic responsibility. The data do not lie. They show it clearly The number of vaccinated patients in intensive care is very low. Last June’s projections and models indicated an average of 35,000 cases per day during the summer. We had a maximum of 7,500, while deaths even in the least favorable weeks were on average no more than 55 per day. Numbers that should make those who still hold back.”

“When a citizen decides to serve his country, he should neither ask himself these problems nor be influenced by them. This phenomenon does not characterize only Italian society. Draghi’s words summed up the concept better. Some acts of zero-tolerance are not within the law».

Minister Speranza spoke of “the The danger of returning to the limitation of individual libertiesIf we are not vaccinated, we will have to imagine new lockdowns.” Are they that close?

I think the minister meant that Closure cannot be ruled out. However, at the moment, there are no conditions that foreshadow the development of the epidemic such as having to resort to such measures. However, it is good to remember this as a possible scenario. The game of the future is being played on vaccination but also on responsible individual behaviours: wearing a mask in gatherings, social distancing, and hand hygiene.”

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“No, reopening schools is a priority. The country is in a favorable situation at the moment and any growth in infections has to be controllable. Let’s not forget that 90% of school staff, more than 70% of 15-19 year olds and about half of 12-14 year olds have received at least one dose of the vaccine.. The boys were great.”

Do you support the extension of the green corridor?

«On a personal level, yes. I support whatever is needed to encourage vaccinations and strengthen conditions in order not to risk infection or injury. This too, however, would be a political decision

«Very soon we will start with immunosuppressed patients. Discussion is at an advanced stage to introduce a third dose for those over 80s, for those receiving hospitalization in assisted health housing, Rsa, for health personnel. A third dose of the vaccine will, for now, be prepared as first doses, using the sequence of the original strain of the virus and this type of vaccine is highly effective in protecting against the delta variant. We will focus on technology-based vehiclesRna messenger (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) ».

Sep 5, 2021 (change on Sep 5, 2021 | 22:47)

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