Home sport In Rome, Dettori four times

In Rome, Dettori four times

In Rome, Dettori four times

As it was announced, he will be the guest of honor for Lanfranco Dettori. Four engagements to him in the afternoon: the first in the great standard with some respect (in the picture with Antonio Friso in the saddle), Gleneagles coached by Bruno Griste, after three straight wins, two of which are listed; Tower Silence will follow, again for Grizzetti, at Dormello, German Alter Adler at Jockey Club and finally Agiato, again for Grizzetti, at Omenoni listed.

From the outside, in addition to Alter Adler, the other German Alborz (with Michael Caddeddu) and the Italian… Road To Arc return for the Jockey Club, the latter just after this morning coach Jerome Renner said yes to the trip in anticipation of the expected rain in Rome during the holiday weekend. Renner will also bring Jacinda for Dormelo, who was also entrusted to Antonio Orani. In Group 3, purebred Arabian horses from Poland will arrive at Amwaj Al Khalidiya (instead, he abandoned Bayan Azba, which England initially announced).

In the German Jockey Club and Road To Arc they will face the usual … Italian defense entrusted to the horses trained by barrels, which this time will play Thunderman, Mooney Love and Brigante Sabino. In the big standard, there will be Bagde’s return, highlighted in the French summer on the motorways and here on the first attempt on the mile.

Eight races are scheduled, and the conference begins at 1.15pm with live TV on UnireSat.

Ore 13.15 Premio Jockey Club Stakes (1ª, Collection 3, €60,500, m. 1,800 pages): 1 Amour (57 AD Migheli), 2 Amwaj Al Khalediah (56.5 A. Fresu), 3 Bacigalupo (56 S. Diana), 4 Conan By Luelle ( 56. S. Basili), 5 Ghurat-al-Zaman (54.5 S. Solas), 6 in Nineveh (54.5 AD in Vuchi). Team ratios: 1-4 5-6.

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Raw Standard 14.25 gr (3ª Race, Group 2, €244,200, metres, 1600 pages, all in 56 kg): 1 Baghed (A. Fresu), 2 Don Chicco (C. Colombi), 3 Il Sindacalista (Gab. Cannarella), 4 Some Respect ( L.Dettori), 5 The King’s Horses (A. Mezzatesta), 6 Vincere Insieme (D. Vargiu)

15.05 Dormelo Prize (4ª Race, Group 2, €244,200, 1600p, all at 56kg): 1 Atamisque (M.Sana), 2 Kallithea (A. Friso), 3 Jacinda (A. Orani), 4 Queen Rouge (Gap) Cannarella ), 5 Spring Love (D. Vargiu), 6 Star of Carina (C. Colombi), 7 Terra del Sole (S. Sulas), 8 Terry de l’Alguer (D. Di Tocco), 9 Tower of Silence).

Ore 16.15 GP del Jockey Club (6ª Run, Group 2, 231,550, m. 2,400 pg): 1 Alborz (56.5 M. Cededdu), 2 Alter Adler (56.5 L.Dettori), 3 Brigante Sabino (56.5 A. Fresu), 4 Mooney Love ( 56.5 S Solace), 5 Road To Arc (59 A. Orani), 6 Thunderman (59 D. ​​Vargiu).

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