The world without MTV

    The world without MTV

    MTV reached Italian-speaking viewers in 1997, when MTV News was an established phenomenon. For us, MTV was not just a music video channel and until 2011 there was no turning point except for the change of VJs: Enrico Silvestrin, Victoria Cabello, Andrea Pezzi, Daniele Bossari, Kris & Kris, Giorgia Surina, Marco Maccarini, Camila Raznovich, Alessandro Cattelan, etc. At first MTV Italia was broadcasting on Rete A frequencies, then in 2001 it switched to TMC2 frequencies, previously known as Videomusic, which Telecom Italia had just bought with TMC. Current affairs programs have increased as well as in-depth programs (To be twenty years old by Massimo Coppola (perhaps the most famous) and given great importance flash, newscast, inherited from TMC2. So it lasted nearly a decade, before that flash May become MTV News And before numerous spin-offs on satellite channels: MTV Rocks, MTV Dance, MTV Classic, MTV Brand New, etc. At the same time, the original MTV channel became an overtly generic channel and MTV Music was born from its offshoot, almost a clone of old MTV videos without the fences of the music genre. On the other hand, the mainstream of MTV began showing TV series and reality shows imported or cloned from the United States, from 16 and pregnant in Geordie Shore. With the purchase by Sky and the switch to TV8, for many Italians the eighth button on the remote control, MTV Italia has now moved to satellite.

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