Home Economy Not extending the 2023 tax payment from July 20 to August 21,...

Not extending the 2023 tax payment from July 20 to August 21, the official decision and reasons of the government

Not extending the 2023 tax payment from July 20 to August 21, the official decision and reasons of the government

Today’s event Wednesday 19th July 2023 at 7.30pm to extend tax payment from 20th July 2023 to 21st August 2023:

There is no extension regarding the payment of taxes which must be done tomorrow Thursday 20th July with an interest of 0.40%

The request came from many quarters, particularly from the accountants, and consisted in the proposal to move the date to August 21st.

Meloni’s government has undertaken to analyze the issue by showing the preliminary opening.

But in the end, however, today, Wednesday, July 19, in the afternoon, the government definitively closed itself on this hypothesis, explaining that it does not
There is a possibility that justifies the decision to protect normal cash flows and the certainty of tax relations

It is estimated that this would have involved a shift of about 4.5 billion in taxes, but the Treasury does not appear to have given its approval.

It was the Government itself, through Lucia Albano, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, that clarified the situation in today’s direct question to the Senate on the question of extending taxes within the law authorizing tax reform.

So, if there are no last minute fluctuations, the deadline is confirmed for tomorrow.

What is expected to extend the payment of taxes from July to August 2023 and to whom? Change the payment calendar for taxes and fees that, like every year, cause difficulties for accountants burdened with deadlines to meet them. So let’s see below the new dates and rules for paying taxes scheduled for July and August.

  • New fee payment dates for July and August
  • Who can benefit from an extension of paying taxes from July to August 2023

New fee payment dates for July and August

As confirmed by the latest news, We’re moving toward extending the tax filing deadline to August 20th. The extension concerns, in particular, the payment of taxes resulting from the tax returns of ISA subjects.

Those who carry out the economic activities for which they are Brief indicators of financial reliability and who declares revenues or payments within the limit established, for each indicator, by relative decree of the Minister of Economy, must have made the payment resulting from tax returns and from those relating to the regional tax on productive activities and on value added by June 30, 2023 but for the time being They can pay:

  • by July 20, 2023 at no additional charge;
  • By July 31, 2023, with an increase in the amounts to be paid, for each day, of up to 0.40%, as a consideration, and we are also considering a further extension of this deadline to August 20, 2023.

We confirm that the extension to July 20 also applies to the possibility of paying taxes in instalments, with the first installment being paid for all ISA subjects by July 20, 2023 and the last payment on November 16 or 30, 2023 depending on the categories of taxpayers involved.

The deadline for paying taxes for ISA subjects has already been extended from June 30 to July 20, 2023, but We are heading towards another extension of the deadline to August 21st. Moreover, it is also envisaged that the payment of the alternative tax on crypto assets will be extended until September 30, 2023, as of June 30, 2023.

Who can benefit from an extension of paying taxes from July to August 2023

ISA subjects can take advantage of an extension of fee payment in July and August But also people who participate in certain types of corporations, associations, and corporations, such as partnerships, tax-transparent corporations, and corporations with a narrow ownership base.

The new payment terms also apply to professionals and the self-employed on a flat rate basis.

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