Beginning the year in the name of screwing on top for Tim. The most important appointment is the appointment of the CEO but the presidency is also at stake. Russian Salvatore can be replaced According to the first rumours The choice could fall on the current president of Fibercop as well as on Asstel Massimo Sarmi.
But nothing is taken for granted and The game is mainly played at two tables, the table of Vivendi – the largest shareholder with 23.9% – and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti with a share approaching 10%. Will Pietro Labriola take over the company? The box office gives it a favourite, considering that It was Vivendi who called for his appointment as managing director and that the director – current CEO Tim Brasil – is already working on the new industrial plan. – along with Mediobanca and Vitale & Co – whose submissions have been postponed to early March. But even when the CEO is appointed, it will be necessary to cancel reservations. With Cdp the French will have to find the box: According to what you know “Negotiations” are underway and the names will have to be shared by both parties involved. And the appointment of the CEO The list of short names to be submitted by Spencer Stewart, who has been entrusted with the search for replacement candidates for Labriola, is also pending.
Exceptional board in appointments
as you know The issue of appointments can be the subject of an extraordinary board of directors to be held for a maximum of half a month, or Before the scheduled date of January 26, which includes the preliminary examination of the financial statements on the agenda. untangling appointments also becomes Crucial given the company’s new industrial scheme. To be named, in a series, also the front lines after several former Ad Luigi Gubitosi managers walked off the scene.
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The appointments topic is definitely associated with the Kkr . file: Goldman Sachs and LionTree are field advisers selected by the committee headed by Salvatore Rossi and Paola Sapienza. For its part, Kkr decided to rely on Citigroup, Jp Morgan and Morgan Stanley. And An “alternative” plan is also developed in the event that the expression of interest provided by the US fund materializes in the acquisition attempt And that the same fund has An upward bid of 50 cents a share is considered inappropriate – in particular from the French from Vivendi but not only – to close the game for the possible passing of the stakes. So all the puzzle pieces must fit together. And time is running out.
union meeting tim
The meeting took place today between President Tim Salvatore Rossi and the secretariats of Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl and Uilcom Uil. – attended the meeting As well as the new General Manager Pietro Labriola, Giovanna Bellizza and Claudio Sforza. The President reiterated how, at this very sensitive stage, It is important to maintain the uniqueness of the company and to ensure quick access to clear attribution of responsibility within the company, starting with the appointment of the CEO.. It is necessary to ensure that the choices that can be made in these weeks do not end in future repercussions on the company’s immediate surroundings and also, which cannot be neglected, on the complex world of procurement that revolves around Tim and which employs several thousand people,” they say. SLC Sigil, Vestel Cecil in a note.
President Rossi, according to the union report, would have highlighted how industrial relations have been a worthy point in the life of the company in recent years and will remain so regardless of developments in the Karker case. And Director General of La Briola “renewed the commitment to a maximum comparison with the social partners of what would be the future commitments and the different options conceivable – the unions report -. Labriola highlighted that maintaining staffing levels and the overall sustainability of the plan will be the cornerstones of the company’s next steps.”
In the coming weeks, trade unions will “continue with maximum unity to implement all the initiatives they consider indispensable to protect the country’s heritage and to review the development model for a strategic sector such as that of Tlc”.
On another note, Uilcom reiterated its position: “As we have always said for over a decade, We have never been in favor of “stews” or occasional products of any kind; Last but not least, we made it clear to the government at the December meeting in the presence of Ministers Giorgetti and Kolaw that we had requested, before Christmas, a new meeting to update discussions on the UNICA and TIM network. We have always been a supporter of a project that sees the perimeter of the group unchanged e Strongly opposed to dismantling This will do nothing but jeopardize the professional stability of a large part of the current employees, the approximately 42,000 male and female workers in the group and the same number in related industries: more than 84,000 families.” The union also claims that “the time has come.” Put an end to “wasting” resources, it is necessary to work on integrating and creating a ‘one network’ which makes Tim, the main protagonist of this dynamic, providing the country with a connection that meets the real needs. Last but not least, we demanded the utmost attention to the world of procurement, the world of sponsorship and the network, starting with the various facts that are part of Tlc’s supply chain.”
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