United States, Supreme Court Rejection, Anif: ‘Illegal, let’s see what Labor and State Council judges think’


    “The Supreme Court declares the vaccination obligation unconstitutional for 80 million employees of private companies employing more than 100 employees, while in Italy the obligation comes into force on February 15. And now we are waiting for the European Court of Justice, because like Anif we still consider that The obligation to vaccinate is illegal. Let’s see what the Labor and State Council judges think.”

    These are the words of Marcelo Pacifico, president of the ANIF union, who commented on the news, taken up by El Fato Quotidiano, according to which the United States Supreme Court refused to commit to vaccination or to conduct weekly checks for senior employees. Companies Biden wanted. Indeed, “the US Supreme Court has blocked the application of the ruling required by the Biden administration which stipulates that employees of large corporations be vaccinated against Covid-19 or weekly tests (something similar to the Italian green license) and mask use in the workplace.

    Green light instead for the same obligation to health facility employees who receive federal contributions. The decision, which would have affected 84 million workers, was rejected by the court by a conservative majority of 6 to 3.”

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