This is how the anti-delirium ordinance changes

    This is how the anti-delirium ordinance changes

    30 days after submitting Decree “Anti Delirium”the government introduced an amendment to the Conversion Law of October 31, 2022: the number of article changes, from 434 bis to 633 repeatThe text of the law also varies, as it excludes student demonstrations and other public initiatives from the crime hypothesis.

    Justice Minister Carlo Nordio explained that “no person is perfect”, and that mistakes “can always be fixed, as we did with the amendment proposed by the government on it. Rave parties». The executive change now limits the offense to “Whoever organizes and promotes the arbitrary invasion of the lands or buildings of otherspublic and private, in order to achieve them Musical gathering or for other recreational purposes,” the text explains. Participants will still be punished, but only on the basisArticle 633 of the Penal Code, which relates to the invasion of land or buildings, and provides for reduced prison sentences and fines, such as imprisonment from 1 to 3 years and a fine from 103 to 1032 euros. Numbers that increase if the crime is committed by more than 5 people or a “clearly armed person”, up to 4 years imprisonment and a fine of 2064 euros. Reference to the number of participants omitted: it will be up to the referee, from time to time, to rate this item. In the previous version, more than 50 people were talked about.

    The text still states:Imprisonment from 3 to 6 years and the A fine from 1,000 to 10,000 euros“For promoters and regulators, when it is an invasion” A real danger to public health or public safety Due to non-compliance with the rules relating to narcotic substances or in connection with the safety or cleanliness of performances and public entertainment events, as well as due to the number of participants or the condition of the venues.” confiscation the objects for which the offense is intended, but the sentence also extends to the earnings of delirious parties, to act as an additional deterrent.

    speaking in an association AliceSustainable Multimedia Logistics Association, Deputy Minister of Justice Francesco Paolo Sesto He declared: «Intervention in raves was a requirement, all over Europe they have their own discipline. […] And it will be Article 633 bis, which punishes the organizers of delirium, and those who fall under the previous rule, and are punished less severely ». And Sesto emphasized that «there are elements They prevent this rule from being extended to those who protest in the field, to those who occupy a school or a factory. Objections will be possibleIn fact, there is still the possibility of activating telephone interceptions in investigations of the alleged organizers and promoters of the event, if the investigators deem it necessary. According to Sesto, the law “raises a level but avoids confusion and any presumption of extension to other cases. The government has developed a capable law really deter us, and I am convinced that there will be no more delirium in Italy.”

    However, the rule is still “unequal,” according to the Democratic Party’s chief justice, Ana Rossomando. Expected penalties remain the highest in Europe: in other countries such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom, laws that refer to delirium They are more specific and targeted. “The new amendment put forward to the delirium does not change the content: I introduced a repressive amendment to the old text and I will also introduce the new one,” explains Ilaria Cocci, elected to the Italian left in the Senate. The text, currently under scrutiny by the Senate, will be passed into the chamber for conversion into law: the decree will arrive in the courtroom after Christmas, between December 27 and 28.


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