The video compares the censored version with the more correct version –

    The video compares the censored version with the more correct version -

    Let’s see this video confrontation between the censored version And the most honest Bayonetta 3Produced by GameXplain YouTube channel, however, remember that the more modest version, called Naive Angel Mode, is selectable rather than mandatory, and therefore you will not have to succumb to it in any way.

    The video is interesting not so much for complaints, and because they show the solutions that have been adopted to implement them, some of them are undoubtedly complex. For example, in the first sequence shown we can see that the censored version shows Bayonetta shining when she is naked, so that her private members are not shown.

    In other sequences we can see that she wears a full dress instead of the ripped dress; That when she’s in butterfly demon form, she’s forced to wear a bra and that in some fights her outfit is definitely less conspicuous than the regular version. There is also a cigar that has become a kind of candy (in this case it appears to be more of a satirical censorship than a way to cover up content deemed inappropriate). There is, too hnf It is milder in controlled mode.

    For the rest, we remind you that after years of waiting, Bayonetta 3 is finally available Nintendo Switch, which is exclusive. If you want more information, read our review in which we wrote:

    Bayonetta 3 is the most obvious explanation for PlatinumGames’ silence of the past few years that you might wish for: it’s clearly an “all-in”, video game created by consuming every possible clue and resource to max out on a specific series. And the astonishing thing is that although such a plan could go terribly wrong, Platinum succeeded in executing it not only by creating one of the best works ever made, but also by the most extravagant and unpredictable Bayonetta that ever made. can be imagined. Of course, their creature isn’t perfect, it suffers from some obvious imbalances, and at times its clumsiness can make the experience a bit chaotic… This is the best close-up a spectacled witch fan could ask for. Hats, platinum alive more than ever.

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