Home entertainment The Lion King returns to Playhouse Square for the fifth time in...

The Lion King returns to Playhouse Square for the fifth time in October

The Lion King returns to Playhouse Square for the fifth time in October

Playhouse Square, which recently enjoyed sparking an advertisement for the show, Let The Cat Out of the Bag, on social media, announcing the return of the world’s # 1 musical, The Lion King.

The successful musical will be shown at the Cleveland State Theater for 16 shows from October 1 to 15, with tickets selling at 10 a.m. June 21 at playhousesquare.org or 216-241-6000.

The trip makes Cleveland the first city in North America to host the “Lion King” five separate times.

“We are delighted to be reuniting with the Lion King family after several months of separation,” Jack Eldon, vice president of local tours at Disney Stage Production, said in a prepared statement. “It will be very touching when we meet again in Cleveland, a city that has welcomed us warmly for the past two decades.”

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“The Lion King will make a triumphant return to Cleveland at a time when families are looking for ways to reconnect and create new memories, and what better way to do that by rehearsing this wonderful and cheerful show together?” Gina Vernaci, President and CEO of Playhouse Square, said in a press release.

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