Home Economy ATMs, beware of withdrawals: they will be more difficult and expensive

ATMs, beware of withdrawals: they will be more difficult and expensive

ATMs, beware of withdrawals: they will be more difficult and expensive

Changes are to be expected for those who withdraw to Electronic counter. In fact, it appears that there will not only be more criticism in the future Hard to find, But also (it will depend on the cases) More expensive. To portray a cutting-edge picture, there are two Italian institutions operating in the economic sphere: the Bank of Italy and the Antitrust Foundation. The first shed light on the extent to which the branches are located less and less in the area. The second, on the other hand, as he examines a suggestion from Bancomat Spa, talks about how to change commission amounts for cash withdrawals. But let’s go in order.

Because in the future it will be increasingly difficult to withdraw cash

It is all laid out in black and white in the Bank of Italy report: a Fine 2019, They have been 24.311 The Bank branches Is present in the region. Since there is at least one checkpoint in every credit institution, it is reasonable to assume that many Italian citizens have been affected by the extension of the routes necessary to go to the nearest counter. The trend of dismantling the military garrisons in the area shows no sign of retreating. For at least ten years now: at 2010, The Branches They had been 33.663. And there was even a who and how This bankAll ATMs and automatic payment terminals closed.

The phenomenon described in the Central Bank’s report is characterized by geography. Meaning it is more important South e carrots Comparison of regions Northern Italy. By the numbers: 57% of the total A citizen of ATM It is above the Gothic line. at SouthRather, it is present Only 22% ATM machines.

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Because cash withdrawal costs can increase

On the one hand, the issue of the increase in costs passes through a review plan developed by Bancomat, the company that manages the most popular and well-known payment and withdrawal departments in Italy and that caters to 125 Italian banks. The project is currently receiving the attention of the Antitrust Authority: “Among the most important innovations – he writes the antitrust law in his analysis –Cancellation of exchange fees The commission applied to withdrawals is paid by the consumer directly to the credit institution in which the ATM is located. ”What does that mean?

In other words, if the plan is approved, those who withdraw from a branch other than their own will not have to pay an equal fixed commission. 50 cents. But it will be “taxed” by an extension Quantity, Which you risk not knowing from the start, Factor Depending on the bank chosen to withdraw the banknotes. Who is the The proposal is illustrated in more detail.

A commission can be Larger So in timeWorth half a euro.

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