Home entertainment Puppet show is also offensive

Puppet show is also offensive

Puppet show is also offensive

Since last Friday, all five seasons Puppet show Available to Disney + users. Created by American Jim Henson and starring in Muppets, the series aired in the United Kingdom from 1976 to 1981. But soon it was broadcast from other countries and quickly became a global phenomenon. Well, several viewers who logged into the platform discovered – with some amazement – that their favorite show had entered the offensive content cauldron. Disney identified it with a video warning accompanying the episodes. At home, in short, one can find “stereotypes” and still “abuse of people or cultures”. What’s more, “This program includes negative representations and / or mistreatment of people or cultures,” said the $ 300 billion entertainment giant. “These stereotypes were wrong at the time and are wrong now.”

In this case too, in short, instead of removing the content, Disney wants to learn about its “harmful effect” and “learn from it”. By promoting the conversation “to create a more inclusive future together”. Disney has not specified what it finds offensive. Inside, some minorities are represented including Asians as well as a homeless man named Oscar the Grouch, who lives in a trash can and its purpose – to come to the show – is to teach the audience that even an unpleasant person can care. . In contrast, in Season 5, singer Johnny Cash performed the Confederation Flag behind him.

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