Pizza and pasta in the hands of Liz Truss: The Economist compares Italy and the UK

    Liz Truss sull'Economist

    The Economist ran a satirical cover comparing the UK’s economic crisis to Italy, complete with Liz Truss with pizza and pasta on hand.

    But what are they laughing at?economic: They designed a cover comparing the economic crisis in United kingdom to the disastrous situation in Italy, creating the new term Britali. You don’t pay, they put us on the cover Liz Truss with a lot of Pizza and pasta on hand.

    In practice, the famous English weekly magazine decided that its next cover should be related to dThe disastrous economic situation in the UK, a situation that saw Liz Truss ousted from her position as Prime Minister after only 44 days in office. I don’t have time to find out the name, in short, the British are already changing the prime minister.

    Be that as it may, theeconomic She decided to put Liz Truss on the cover, dressed as Britannia, the female embodiment of Great Britain. Only then does he place a shield with the English flag made of pizza in her right hand, while in her left, instead of the traditional trident, she has Fork with spaghetti roll up.

    Liz Truss

    In the preface, then,economic He explained that the United Kingdom, over the past few years, has become very similar to Italy. Not in the sense of flattery, of course. In 2012, in a text signed by some conservatories, Italy was used as a negative measure (To be honest, it’s not that we’ve gotten much better since then): We were pretty politically unstable (but no, come on, we’ve just brought down a government in the midst of an epidemic, thus delaying actions to be taken for months…then we did Again … well, we can’t do that), we were growing very slowly, public services were outdated, and there was also little productivity.

    These negative characteristics are now also present in the United Kingdom, precisely after a long period during which the Conservatives were in power. Curiously, this text was signed by Liz Truss and Kwasi Quarting, Minister of Economics until a few days ago. At present, the British Truss and Quarting are mainly responsible for Serious economic and social crisis Which King Charles State is going through at the moment.

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