“One of two exhausted”

    “One of two exhausted”


    One in every two doctors is exhausted. It’s a little better among the nurses: me 45%. The disturbing image was shown in context The National Congress of Internal Medicine in Milan. It is the result of an investigation conducted From about 2,000 professionals, Among those who provide their professional work in the medical departments, those who alone manage about a fifth of the patients in the hospital. discomfort occurs greater among women, They also deal with the difficulties of combining work and family time.

    “The effect of burnout on occupational diseases is a fact proven by the scientific literature – he stated Prof. Francesco Dental, Chief VDW and Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at Varese Assistant – The risk of myocardial infarction and other adverse events of the coronary arteries is actually about two and a half times higher in those who are overworked, while the risk of miscarriage ranges from 20%, when working hours do not exceed 40 hours per week, gradually rising to 35% When you get to 70. A less rare event with chronic reduction of hospital organic flora.”

    Doctors identify themselves Depression, stress and constant sleep deprivation For very busy schedules and workloads. To exacerbate an already dangerous climate, there is a perception that much self-denial is incomprehensible, and a perception of commitment is missing as the number of patients and the number of doctors make it nearly impossible to establish an empathic relationship with patients. Not forgetting the huge burden of bureaucracy.

    Nearly 50% of exhausted doctors and nurses think they do He quit during the yearattracted by opportunities that are either less demanding or much better paying.

    Among the medical coordinators, where 31.8% experience burnout, around 47.4% think they will quit during the year. Similar proportions have physicians on the ward, however, and the sense of treating their patients appropriately and in an overly impersonal manner drops to 53%.

    Although A positive fact that emerges from the research: Doctors and nurses keep saying Motivation and reward work Which they do despite all the difficulties. The vast majority of doctors and nurses “feel that they have effectively addressed their patients’ problems” and that they have “accomplished many things in the course of their work”.

    «It is precisely from this feeling of attachment to one’s mission and from realizing oneself in a job, in spite of everything and everyone, that it saves lives and adds quality to everyone’s years, that we need to start all over again if we are truly concerned with our own destiny. General healthcare – confirmed Prof. Dentally. – And to do this, it is necessary to make the medical and nursing professions attractive again among young people. Bringing wages that are among the lowest in Europe to a level of professional dignity, but also retraining and working conditions.

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