Home sport Fosali is the last of the tests, but in the meantime he...

Fosali is the last of the tests, but in the meantime he shows the blue uniform – Sport

Fosali is the last of the tests, but in the meantime he shows the blue uniform - Sport

Olympic coach Ludovico Fossali, who will compete in Tokyo between August 3-5 in a five-circle debut for his specialty, the sport of climbing, continues. After some disappointing results in Italy, including losing the Italian Cup due to the wrong press of the end button, Fossali trained with the intended training and some international meetings in the United States, more specifically in Salt Lake City. On his return, Fossali presented his Olympic uniform with his federation, an offer that the Fassi (Italian Climbing Athletic Federation) proudly presented on his first experience at the Games. And with him, Michael Piccolruaz and campaign leader, Laura Rogora, like him qualified among the Great Twenty in Tokyo. Now for Fossali and the others, the latest effort in Italy and in the World Cup, with carefully selected stages (the Congolese, for example, has to improve above all in lead and Boulder while in the third Olympic discipline combined, speed, is still one of the strongest in the world) Then departure for Tokyo, about ten days before the competition to be held at Aimi Urban Sports near the village.


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