Home sport Cycling slipped three places on the sports doping list, to finish eighth...

Cycling slipped three places on the sports doping list, to finish eighth with 18 cases recorded in 2020

Cycling slipped three places on the sports doping list, to finish eighth with 18 cases recorded in 2020

Cycling had the eighth largest number of doping cases in 2020, according to the 2020 Cycling Reliability Scale.

Sport fell three places from fifth in the previous year and rose from thirteenth place in 2018 in the annual ranking of doping issues by sport issued by the Monetary Policy Committee.

18 cases of doping were recorded while cycling in 2020, up from 113 in track and field racing to the top of the list, and 50 weightlifting cases came second.

These 18 cycling cases account for roughly half of the total of 32 cases last year, and the MPCC says 2019 has been a “tough year” for cycling, after seeing its cases double from 2018 figures.

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