New update on track Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard has arrived from MLex, which stems from another step forward that Redmond has taken to close the operation in Europe, given the Positive response from developer associations On new proposals made, however Sony and Google still play a crucial role.
To get the endorsement of the European Commission, which has not yet deliberated on the acquisition and has recently postponed its deadline for its response, Microsoft has sent some additional “concessions”, which should dispel doubts raised about the potential reduction in competitiveness that could emerge from the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. .
We still don’t know exactly what these new proposals are, but based on what MLex reported and Idas reported on the ResetEra forum, it appears that the response from insiders has been generally positive. In particular, there is talk of a “largely positive” response from associations representing video game developers in Europe and in particular European Game Developers Association He appreciated the proposals, while recommending that the committee continue to investigate cross-platform distribution in the future.
In all of this, Sony and Google remain critical of the process and remain firm on one opposite position Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. We recall that the British Capital Markets Authority recently assessed the takeover as not threatening competitiveness, after it also received the green light in Japan.