WhatsApp has already offered the ability to send voice notes for many years, but in the future it will be possible Also send “circular” video messagesFaster, faster, and less intrusive than classic recording and video transmission. In the Beta version of the iOS appwhich is available on TestFlight, this new function was actually discovered that will allow users to create files Video messages up to 60 seconds long Simply by clicking the Camera button next to the text entry field.
At the moment, the feature is still under development but the site wabetainfo Post a video showing how it works.
Video messages on WhatsApp It will work similar to voicemail messages, But with the advantage of also being able to display images, which is particularly useful in certain contexts. Moreover, video messages can help users better express their feelings and share content in a more direct and effective way.
As with text and voice messages, video messages will also be protected by end-to-end encryption which ensures maximum privacy by preventing any kind of unauthorized access, listening or viewing. Moreover, for more privacy, it will not be possible to save or forward video messages to other users. Screenshots are still allowed.
This new WhatsApp feature, as mentioned, is under development and it is not known if and when it will be officially released.
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