Covid alert, Gimbe Foundation: ‘Unprecedented case boom, limiting social contacts’


    Liguria. The school is a pool of infection. Obviously after not working on the structural aspects, we can change our screening and quarantine methods as often as we want, but with such a very high viral turnover, we need to make some assessments. If we decide to keep schools open, something else will have to close“.

    Parole by Nino CartapelotaThe head of the institution Jimbei, commenting on the plan to restart schools in January, in the context of the sharp increase in infections in recent days. In fact, the resumption of school lessons will coincide with the peak of the fourth wave that experts indicate from mid-January.

    “We have one Huge amount of cases, so unprecedented – continues Cartabellotta – that many have defined Omicron as The most infectious virus in history And the numbers that we see are clear in this sense. We have about 100,000 cases per day on the moving average.”

    And I have 100 thousand positive people per day means that 1100 are hospitalized in the medical field and 120 are in intensive care. It is certainly due to the increased doses of the activator and we also hope to reduce the virulence of the Omicron variant.”

    If overcrowding in hospitals “is slower, but the effect is there and with that growth rate we risk getting to 2 million positives and even if the hospitalization rate was 1% we would have 20,000 people in hospital.”

    So we must try to limit the spread of the virus. First of all, for Cartabellotta, “It is essential Reducing social contacts, possibly increasing smart work“.

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