Students – forget
Britain has the largest number of students staying at home due to Covid Since schools reopened last March. According to the Ministry of Education There are more than 375,000 pupils, one in twenty, at home at the moment.
absentees went from 1.2% From the total school students as of June 10 to 3.3% last week to 5.1% today An increase of 130,000 cases in just seven days. Absences quadrupled during June at a speed that worries parents and teachers who have already experienced a six-month shutdown during which the father was unable to ensure the same levels of presence learning.
The number of COVID-19 cases in the UK today reached 20,479, an increase of 8,854 over last week and 23 deaths, and more than 44.5 million people have received at least one dose of the vaccine. The government’s plan is to have at least eighteen people vaccinated with the first dose and two-thirds of adults with a second dose by July 19. The number of vaccinations today reached 265,276, an increase of 204,871 from last week. Britain does not currently vaccinate the 12-17-year-old because experts do not believe this strategy is effective.
To reduce the number of students staying at home The government is considering changing the strategy adopted to control the virus in schools And abandoning the approach taken so far, which is to leave the whole class at home To introduce daily rapid antigen tests instead. Of the pupils left at home, only 15,000 have certain cases of Covid while for another 24,000 there is only suspicion, 279,000 have had to self-isolate because they came into contact with someone who tested positive at school and 57,000 because they had contact with someone they met outside. of the classroom.
At this time, in Britain, pupils undergo two rapid antigen tests every week, and if they test positive, anyone who has been in close contact with them should self-isolate. The result is that entire classes are left at home with a very negative impact on the family and education balance. If the positive has brothers or sisters, then, in fact, not even the classes of the latter can return to school.
With the vaccination campaign progressing at a rapid pace and the low rate of HIV infection among minors who tend not to contract the disease or overcome the infection easily, Parents and trade associations require less strict rules and the introduction of daily tampons at the school entrance.
The new system is currently being tested in some institutes. However, doubts remain because rapid antigen tests are not completely reliable and do not guarantee the same level of protection from the virus as self-isolation.
Jeff Barton, who represents the Association of Schools and Colleges Association of Deans’ union of more than 20,000 members, told the BBC: “Obviously we need a different approach in the fall,” but the government’s proposals on the topic are, at this time very vague.
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