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New free games predictions for May

New free games predictions for May

After you predicted correctly Final Fantasy VII Remake entry on PlayStation Plus in March 2021, Now known insider Chibchal Ed Return to discuss the future of Sony’s home subscription.

In particular, from its Twitter pages, the latter provides some previews of what could have been a lineup free games In the lead up to come Playstation 4 e PlayStation 5 Within a month May 2021. You can also check directly at the bottom of this news, Chibchal Ed It specifically mentions two products who are nominated to become part of the PlayStation Plus catalog. Meanwhile, he warns that indiscretion does not come from its usual sources, and thus calls on you not to let you get excited too soon.

On the one hand we find Godval (Here is ours Godfall PS5 review): Available on PC and PlayStation 5, according to rumors, the game can now be freely available to Sony subscribers. It’s interesting on this front to report how PEGI recently ranked one of them It never announced the PlayStation 4 version of Godfall. Besides the latter, a PS Plus user can get their hands on it as well Disco ElysiumSon of the independent ZA / UM team, the RPG that has won multiple game awards since its inception and has recently been updated with a revised and expanded version for next-generation consoles.

For now, there is nothing left to do but wait: After all, PS Plus games are expected to be announced in May 2021 this week.

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