Home World Turkey: Arrest warrants for more than 500 soldiers – last hour

Turkey: Arrest warrants for more than 500 soldiers – last hour

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(ANSA) – Istanbul, April 26 – New police operations this morning in Turkey against suspected infiltrators in the armed forces on behalf of the alleged coup network Fethullah Gülen, nearly 5 years after the failed coup. The Istanbul and Smyrna prosecutor issued 532 arrest warrants for soldiers, of which 459 are still in service.

Police teams are being mobilized to arrest them in 62 provinces of Turkey and Northern Cyprus.

Meanwhile, the maximum trial on charges of “terrorism” against 108 Kurdish politicians, who face life imprisonment due to the October 2014 demonstrations in southeastern Turkey in support of Kobane, began at the Senkan prison court in Ankara. A Kurdish city in northeastern Syria, the symbol of the fight against ISIS, was under siege at the time. The protests erupted due to the impossibility of sending aid to the jihadist group to close the borders by the Turkish authorities. And fell in the clashes with the security forces more than 30 victims, most of them demonstrators. There are several HDP executives on the stage, including former co-leaders Salahaddin Demirtas and Vision Yuksekdag, who have been in detention for over 4 years. Last October, 17 party members were arrested for their alleged role in violent demonstrations. The process will be monitored by a number of representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations, as well as opposition figures and an international delegation of representatives, lawyers and activists. In the purges that followed the failed coup in Turkey in 2016, the HDP suffered the arrest of hundreds of members and the dismissal of dozens of mayors and parliamentarians. The Ankara Cassation Prosecutor is also preparing a file to demand that it be banned. (handle).

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