Home Economy New scam with revenue agency fake emails, extremely high risk

New scam with revenue agency fake emails, extremely high risk

New scam with revenue agency fake emails, extremely high risk

With Press release On April 9, 2021, the Revenue Agency announced that a new campaign of fraud committed using the traditional method of ’email phishing’ in which the sender is clearly the revenue agency is underway.

We have already talked about this phenomenon many times. Obviously, even in this case, Hades itself calls for the utmost caution and always neglects these fraudulent emails.

Scam, fake emails from a revenue agency, that’s what it is

These days, the revenue agency explains with A. Press release issued on April 9thNew emails are circulating, apparently sent by the revenue agency.

These are emails in which discrepancies have emerged during the reporting of periodic VAT payments that the taxpayer sends to the Internal Revenue Service; It’s often accompanied by a malicious zip file.

This is clearly another scam attempt. The agency does not send this type of communication and recommends that e-mail be reduced and that no attachments be opened.

Internet scams, how to defend yourself?

First of all, it should be known that the correspondence containing the personal data of the taxpayers is never sent by e-mail, but that they can only be consulted in the tax drawer, which can be accessed through the reserved area on the website of the revenue agency.
To avoid these types of scams, we recommend that you always check unknown senders and do not open attachments or follow links in emails. If in doubt, ignore messages immediately.
In any case, Hades explains herself with the aforementioned statement, it is possible to refer to the section.Focus on phishing in Seoul“On the official website of the Internal Revenue Service, where periodic reports are reported Notices For the most recent fraudulent e-mails circulating, or call our call center at 800.909696 and request confirmation.

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