You no longer have to fill out COVID forms to come to London

    You no longer have to fill out COVID forms to come to London

    Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has confirmed that the UK passenger tracking unit and all remaining testing rules for unvaccinated arrivals will be scrapped from March 22. In short, even those who have not been vaccinated can enter the UK without having to fill out forms or take swabs. This comes after the government decided to treat COVID like the common cold or the flu, so there is no longer a requirement to self-isolate or take swabs.

    The government says it can do so thanks to Europe’s most effective vaccination campaign, something Boris Johnson continues to repeat even if the data does not confirm his optimism.

    Non-vaccinated travelers will no longer have to have a pre-arrival swab and a “second day” post-arrival test on either side of a UK flight. This is also valid since the same date.

    Meanwhile, cases and hospital admissions are increasing dramatically, for the first time since January, with indications that vaccines are starting to have less impact. The government has reiterated that we simply have to get used to living with COVID because we live with colds and flu. Doctors and scientists differ because there are many differences between colds, flu, and COVID.

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