Home Tech WindTre across Italy: what’s going on

WindTre across Italy: what’s going on

WindTre across Italy: what's going on

This afternoon, all of Italy is “ready for bed”. The phone company’s network stopped operating throughout the peninsula, and it did not allow it There are no incoming or outgoing calls. There are thousands of user reports on the DownDetector website, which specializes in detecting service crashes.

WindTre across Italy: Network problems

It was supposed to start collapsing around 4 PM Today is Wednesday 3 February, and it doesn’t look like it’s resolved yet. Lots of WindTre complain about phone line issues, but the damage is also related to the internet.

According to DownDetector Charts, it’s still recording Peak reports with more than 7,500 users in the past half hour identified shortcomings. For 71% of cases, there are difficulties receiving or forwarding calls and messages, while 19% is no internet and 7% is a complete outage.

Also from Downdetector website which collects all alerts and provides real-time information on status and problems of all kinds Telecommunications Services , The map shows how the deficiencies were mainly centered In the capitals of the most densely populated provincesMilan, Genoa, Turin, Verona, Bologna, Perugia, Rome, Naples and Palermo are among the most affected cities, but the collapses also included other municipalities on the peninsula.

WindTre across Italy: Reports on social media

As it often happens in these cases Soo Twitter l’hashtag # Terminated It emerged among the most popular trends, as hundreds of subscribers flocked to the social network to voice their grievances and understand what was happening.

“So I’m not the only one who can’t make / receive calls?” It is a user question.

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For more than two hours, Wind’s sound network was completely destroyed throughout ItalyBased on angry comments on bug reporting sites. TheThe problem is really big, isn’t it? Can you tell us what’s happening more or less? Request another account citing phone company profile.

“Client app is not working, internet is not working !! Connection disconnected, very slow” and again “Do you want to confirm phone line problems? You can’t call or pick up!” Are some of the complaints on Twitter directed at Wind Tre.

However, at present, the manager has not responded to requests for information or issued an official communication.

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