WhatsApp has a lot of features inside. So the pictures may not appear in the gallery. how to solve? Below are the steps that allow an easy solution.
Applications have seen more and more changes over time. In the messaging sector, the most used not only allows you to exchange messages, but is certainly much more than that. Today, you can exchange photos, videos, documents, and share your location. In short, we are talking about a complete experience.
The WhatsApp It is now one of the most present applications in our lives. Through this platform a lot of things can be shared. However, when it comes to technology, problems can appear in a completely unexpected way. Like, for example, the inability to view photos in our gallery. Which may lead to some confusion.
Meta home app allows you to have a different experience every day. This scenario allowed WhatsApp to become very popular. However, as mentioned, problems can appear suddenly. For example, like Inability to hear voice messages in the ear. But this time, we will shed some light on how to allow images received on WhatsApp to appear in our gallery again.
Why are WhatsApp images not showing up in the gallery?
Among the many options that WhatsApp offers is the one called “medium visionThis, in fact, allows you not to bring photos and videos received on the application into the gallery. This choice will allow us to have a decent order in our phone.
On the other hand, if you want to activate this option, the steps to follow are very simple. We have to open the application, go to the three small lines at the top right. In the window that opens, click Settings. The category to be selected ischatOn the screen that will appear there will be the possibility to activate or deactivate this option. If it is active, the point will be moved to the left.
If there are other problems, we must act automatically. Therefore, we must go to the individual chats to download the content that interests us. All if the automatic downloads option is not activated.
When this little unexpected happens, it leads many to wonder why none of it is on the show. This problem is only partial because the device is still downloading contents but not displaying them. Moreover, this procedure is also important for those who do not want to have photos in the gallery. To decline authorization, all that is required is to deactivate media visibility.
Finally, we need to check if the version of WhatsApp we have is the latest available. Missed updates can cause problems. As we have seen, WhatsApp has a lot of features. The app also has some interesting little tricks. Like what about the possibility Imprisonment of people in secret. This small alternative is presented as infallible.
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