No more Mars bars in the UK: are it production problems or delivery delays?
Where did the bars go? Mars? It seems that for some time in supermarkets in United kingdom Finding these sweets became a real task, so much so that many outlets, when asked about the mysterious structure, announced that they did not expect delivery for at least another two weeks. One major retailer, who remained anonymous, shed some light on the matter, telling The Guardian that it must be a production problem on Mars itself: However, the company responded by pointing the finger at “high levels of demand” and reassuring the British public that Our beloved brands are still available.
Web detectives will remember that, about a month ago, we told you how Hershey, A giant with stars and strips of chocolate declared that it would not be able to “completely meet consumer demand”: putting two and two could make us believe that the two are in fact related to each other, taking into account – because it does not – also mediation values inflation and increase in costs From Produce Never seen before which undoubtedly made it more complicated. According to the same investigations by The Guardian, it is difficult to determine whether the lack of inventory at some points of sale is related to the production of bars, delays in delivery or specific problems of the retailer: what we are left with, in these cases, is nothing more than advertising – very dry – about the company.