Tokyo2020: American-Italian Report Cards. De Gennaro 7, Malinov, Igono, Petrini e Positi 5 …

      Tokyo2020: American-Italian Report Cards.  De Gennaro 7, Malinov, Igono, Petrini e Positi 5 ...

    Tokyo – US and Italy report cards.

    Raspberry Marker 5: She went out for Orro and Italy returns to the third set, but that’s not the point, in fact, Mazzanti gets her back on the field right away. Do the many mistakes in the attack depend on you? It doesn’t look like it, the girls seem to be doing really well on the ball. But we cannot ignore the inadequate judgment of the matchmaker, when the match goes like this.

    EGONU Marker 5: How hard it is to create Paula Report Cards, the person who still gets 28 points gives them back to you. However, we are more than convinced that the match we’ve seen so far in Tokyo, even in the ones he clearly won, is not the real Igono. Yesterday many mistakes, many mistakes, no winning service. Blue need to raise their flag at last, to go to the medal.

    Petrine Marker 5You start well and then you lose and maybe pay first for the whole team. Mazanti showed that he trusted her immensely, awarding her the starting jersey with both China and the United States. We agree.

    Posetti Marker 5: collapses in the attack and has unusual reception problems. A few flashes between the end of the third set and the beginning of the fourth, but that’s not enough.

    Danish Marker 5,5: It starts well at the wall and then shoots from a distance.

    FAHR Marker 6: I prefer the central three of the numbers, even if their contribution is not perceptible compared to the other matches.

    De Gennaro Marker 7: It’s clearly the best in the field, it covers reception perfectly, and it does some unimaginable defenses.

    sila Marker 5,5: Until the middle of the fourth set it will be number 7 and maybe more, Maramaldegia in attack and above all gives her teammates the decisive shock to recover in the third set. However, this is not enough, and even the flame of the flame is slowly extinguished.

    Cherishila Marker 6: More aggressive than my two wingmates, she can do little.

    Mazanti Marker 5,5: It all depends on how he will make the athletes relate to this defeat. If they immediately understand two basic things, that there is always suffering and that, through suffering, one must limit errors, we shall see some good ones. If he can’t… but he will, okay?

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