Those mail books that have been extinct since June 21: How to avoid losing money

    Those mail books that have been extinct since June 21: How to avoid losing money

    As Poste Italiane predicted, the so-called “sleeper brochures”, that is, those that have not been used by its customers in the past ten years, will be terminated as of next June 21.

    Falling into the category affected by the following actions of the company will not only be limited to savings books but also policies, checks and accounts that the holder has not dealt with for more than 10 years, and are not subject to operational procedures or blocks that prevent the handling of amounts and which have a balance greater than 100 euros.

    By June 21, 2022writes in a note from Poste Italiane, Holders of brochures found ‘inactive’ as of November 30, 2021 are invited to give instructions at any post office and to allow their brochure to be registered, in order to avoid, after this last date,extinction from LibrettoIf it does not happen within the specified deadline, we also read on the company’s website, the money will be transferred For a Consap managed fund established pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 343, of Law No. 266/2005 and governed by Regulation by Presidential Decree No. 116 of June 22, 2007.

    In the event that the user is not sure that he is the owner of the “idle” booklet or does not remember when the last operation on it can be traced, it is possible to refer to it specific list Made available by Poste Italiane portal. It will be possible to search there among the sleeping Libretti,“Sorted by post office identification number where it was opened (eg 01/101 Alessandria Center)”. According to the current regulation, once the ten-year period has elapsed, the extinction is possible, unless, within 180 days of the intermediary contact,“The holder does not carry out an operation or movement (as such it also means express communication to the bank of its desire to continue the relationship)”. Book holders have been uploaded in the latest list on Poste Italiane“You are welcome to go by date October 20 2022 At any post office to give instructions and allow the registration of your brochure “.

    If the ledger has already been amortized, the funds stored in it can still be recovered: you will have 10 years to make a specific redemption request, to submit to the insult Spa electronically or by registered letter with the return receipt sent to the company premises.

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