View the sports facilities projectMoss Mall Sports“, a new complex mixed-use concept aimed at sports, recreation and a person’s psychophysical well-being. The project, which will affect the entire national territory starting with the cities of Genoa, Cuneo and Kiti, includes the environmentally sustainable construction and redevelopment of structures designed to offer an integrated system of functions and services and to host dozens of sports disciplines The conference was attended by Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia, President of CONI Giovanni Malagò, President of the Italian Paralympic Committee Luca Pancali, President of the ICS Institute of Sports Credit Andrea Abode, President Autonomous District of Trento Maurizio Fogatti., Mayor of Genoa Marco Pucci, Pro-Rector’s Delegate to Politecnico di Milano Emilio Faroldi, CEO RCS Sport & Events Paolo Bellino, President of Confcommercio Trentino Gianni Bort, President and Founder of MOS srl Aldo Brancher, CEO and Founder of MOS s Francesco Monastery.
It’s understandable – Sports Mall is a completely new format at the national level. An innovative meeting place for athletes and families where they can play sports, leisure and entertainment activities, shop and live in exclusive experiences. Consisting of environmentally sustainable and high standard sports facilities, integrated with green spaces, medical, hospitality and commercial facilities, MOS will be an alternative space where people can vent their passion and socialize at the same time: an inclusive mixed use complex and without barriers where educational, training, recreational and social activities are combined , but also conscious shopping and retail specializing in sports, a place for all ages within a large-scale project designed to support and support sports associations and centers as well as local residents. During the conference, it was announced that various projects would be developed throughout the national territory, which would include, in the first phase, the cities of Genoa, Cuneo and Kiti, and then extend to a broader level in other Italian regions.