Smile: 1950 presents the book “Fun Tips for Taking Care of Your Husband”

    Smile: 1950 presents the book

    An excerpt from a book published in 1950 in which he shared “Tips for Taking Care of Your Husband,” which includes advising women to shut up and take off men’s shoes, has been greeted with glee on the Internet.

    The snippet, shared on Reddit last week, is from home economics bookThe main points are summarized in 10 practical tips.

    They are: making dinner, getting ready, removing the clutter, preparing the kids, minimizing any noise, making them feel comfortable, listening to them, and making the evening their own.

    They don’t do it like they did when they were funny

    They also engage in “what should,” which includes not being greeted with problems and complaints. And the book emphasized: “Don’t complain if he’s late for dinner. Consider it less than he might have during that day.”

    And in the end, they shared the “goal,” which is “to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can renew himself in body and soul.”

    According to the book, respectable wives should listen to their husbands, as he emphasizes, “Let me speak first.”

    It is necessary to arrange the house and children, as well as prepare a “cold or hot drink” and make sure that “her pillows are arranged and she offers to take off her shoes”.

    And the night should be around him saying, “Never complain if he doesn’t take you to dinner or something. [illegible] entertainment.

    “Instead, try to understand her world of stress and pressure, and her need to go home and relax.”

    To relax, women should try to speak “in a low, soft, reassuring, gentle voice,” but be sure to share because “her boring day may need a lift.”

    Some other highlights advise women to take pride in their appearance by saying, “Shut up your makeup, put a bow in your hair and be fresh.”

    Creating a relaxing atmosphere is also essential, as wives must “remove all noise from the washing machine, dishwasher or vacuum cleaner.” This also includes children, who must be washed and served, while wives must strive to greet husbands with a “warm smile”.

    The post, titled “They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To,” was uploaded to the hilarious Reddit forum on Sunday and can be seen here, and has since garnered more than 10,000 votes and comments.

    Over the decades, it reappeared and was shared on many sites, where people fiercely debated the suggestions regarding modern society.

    Ptony_oliver noted: “Try to make sense of his world of tension and stress.” Lovely! Today this applies to everyone in the world. Equality works.

    • making dinner
    • Prepare yourself
    • get rid of clutter
    • Prepare the children
    • Reduce all noise
    • Put him to rest
    • listen to this
    • make the evening yours

    Any_that27 joked, “Wait, let me send this to my wife…” Rankangkota thought, “There must be an equivalent of ‘how do you treat your wife’.” Altruistic_Piano_259 commented: “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha made me laugh”. Aira_Key wrote: “No clear instructions, husband stuck in dishwasher.”

    Some people felt some were still viable, as Theo_Stormchaser said: “I feel like this can go both ways and lead to a good relationship.”

    While Amazing_Carry42069 wrote: “This is still good advice, but do it for each other no matter who your partner is. Everyone should get this treatment!”

    Times have changed dramatically since the 1950s when the nuclear family was perfect. A higher percentage of Americans got married, with that year’s census showing that 66.6 percent of people over the age of 14 were married.

    By the end of the decade, in 1960, that number had risen to 67.4%. By comparison, the 2021 census revealed that only 50% of adults lived with a spouse, down 2% over the past decade.

    Archive photo of a housewife from the 1950s.
    Archive photo of a housewife from the 1950s. Writers from that year shared hilarious tips for caring for a spouse.
    George Marks / Getty Images
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