Patch 1.12 is available, let’s see the changes made –

    Patch 1.12 is available, let's see the changes made -

    Guerrilla games released patch 1.12.0 from Forbidden horizon west For PS5 and PS4. The update addresses issues with task progress, app crashes, and more.

    You can read the full official notes for Horizon Forbidden West Update 1.12 (unfortunately at the moment in English only) from the post on Reddit by Guerrilla Games, at this is the address.

    As we can see, a large number of bugs that prevented a file have been fixed Progress on main and side questsThus, asking the user to restart the game or even compromising the game in the worst case.

    Forbidden horizon west
    Forbidden horizon west

    Several issues with the game world and side activities have also been fixed, the AI ​​of some more powerful and larger devices that will now be more aggressive if you lose more than 35% of health in one hit has been changed and it has been fixed. A bug in making companions occasionally go dazed on quests after receiving a hit.

    Also fixed issues causing crashes, incorrect animations for Aloy, and more. There are also improvements to the lighting system, audio, body and facial animations in cinematic sequences, localization and subtitles in different languages.

    Therefore, post-launch support for Horizon: Forbidden West continues, but the players at Guerrilla Games are already thinking about the future of the series and it seems that they intend to make a sequel to the adventures of Aloy.

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