Ophthalmology, teacher from the United States is coming – Ateneapoli.it

    Ophthalmology, teacher from the United States is coming - Ateneapoli.it

    From the United States to Frederick II. This is the path of Lucia Ambrosio, an ophthalmologist who studied abroad for a few years and is now preparing to return to Italy, to join the Department of Public Health at Federico II University. Ambrosio will be serving in the next academic year. It will come to us thanks to the law of return of brains, which allows us to make a direct call. We have already obtained a positive opinion from the ministry,” the professor predicts. Department Director Giancarlo Tronconi. Thoracic Surgery Fund Still Empty: After Prof. retired. Ferrante, we’ve been discovered. There is an attempt to overcome this critical importance. Unfortunately, some aspects of care do not get the attention they deserve. For our part, the efforts to keep the specialized schools active, but it is important to have complex operational units for this.” On the scientific activities side, Prof. Troncone continues, “We participate in NRP projects and cooperate with the Center for Pharmacogenomics. The latter is an initiative coordinated by Professor Angela Zampella (Director of the Department of Pharmacology, editor). And our proposals to do some activities related to oncology issues have been accepted.” Pedagogy. After the publication of the new master’s bylaws by the university, public health educators and administrators are involved in the reconsideration of those who belong to the department: “They will all have to reformulate and an opinion will be reformulated from a body Quality Presidency. necessary. The revised master’s program will start in the next academic year and will be approved by the Faculty of Medicine by June 30.” In addition, the five degree courses are being accredited for the academic year 2022/2023. The youngest is Medicine and Surgery with a technology focus: “I was born two years ago It works well because innovation and technology go well with medicine.”

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