“North Korea wanted it to be the 2010 World Cup”


    London – special year 2010 for Sven-Goran Ericsson: former coach of Lazio The England national team was actually “cheated”, as well as thousands of fans and insiders by the pseudo-billionaire Russell King Which has already been acquired by Knotts County (The Nottingham team and the oldest company in the entire UK) then promised huge investments before being arrested for fraud and He was sentenced to six years in prison. Just talking about these moments on the BBC during the documentary”The strangest crimes in football: the trillion dollar manThe Swedish coach also tells an anecdote related to one of his stories A trip to North Koreaaccompanied by his former boss, during which he would have been approached by the captains of the Korean national team per rigging the World Cup draw In South Africa: Ericsson was actually a member of the FIFA Committee.

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    North Korea asked me to change the World Cup draw

    North Korean representatives knew I was a Member of the FIFA Football Committee And they said to me: Can you help us please? “Of course I can help you if I can,” I replied. I thought they wanted balls or shoes or something. Instead They wanted to help with the lottery. Of course I said, do you really mean what I think? I can not do it. Nobody can do that. It is absolutely impossible, even criminal, ” Says the former Lazio coach for the Scudetto. “But they never believed me. The amazing thing is that they didn’t believe I couldn’t do it, but they thought I didn’t want to do it. Very strange. That was, I think, the main thing why I was invited and why it was that way. My existence is important. The flag of Russell King. To score, North Korea lost in the group after a respectable performance in a 2-1 defeat to Brazil, 7-0 to Portugal and 3-0 to Ivory Coast, leaving South Africa out of the event after three matches.


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