Supermedia AGI / YouTrend: Lega and Fratelli d’Italia grow, and the Democratic Party is suffering
AGI – Lega and Fratelli d’Italia Grow Unanimously, Suffering Pd, Stable M5s: This is the image emerging from the weekly Supermedia prepared by YouTrend for AGI. Among the smaller parties, the increase in the share of Calenda stands out, reaching almost 4%. In detail, the Carroccio Index rose by half a point to 23.5%, widening the gap from the Democratic Party that lost 0.4 points on the road and sliding to 19.2%. The Georgian Meloni party continues to grow, reaching 16.7% (+0.2), setting a new record. Stable fourth-place M5s with 14.8%. Overall, the center-right increased consensus by 0.6 points, to 49.3%, while the Giallorossi (Pd-M5s-Leu) left 0.7 points on the ground, down to 37.2%. Let’s see all the data in detail. Supermedia League lists 23.5 (+0.5) Pd 19.2 (-0.4) FdI 16.7 (+0.2) M5S 14.8 (=) Forza Italia 8.0 (-0.1) Action 3.9 (+0.4) Mdp / La Sinistra 3.2 (-0.3) Italia Viva 2.9 (-0.1) + Europe 2.2 (+0.2) Greens 1.6 (=) Supermedia Parliament regions Majority 78.8 (+0.2) of which: – Giallorossi (Pd-M5s-Leu) 37.2 (-0.7) – Center-right (Lega-FI-Toti) (32.6) +0.2) – liberal center 9.0 (+0.5) opposition (FdI) 16.7 (+0.2) Supermedia 2018 political coalitions Right center 49.3) +0.6 (Left center 28.1) = (M5s 14.8) = (Leu 3.2) -0.2 Other 4.5 (-0.4) Note: Differences between parentheses indicate a deviation from Supermedia two weeks before (February 18) Note: The Supermedia YouTrend / Agi is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions, carried out from February 18th to March 3rd of Before the institutes of EMG, Ipsos, Ixè, SWG and Tecnè. Weighted March 4, based on sample size, implementation date, and data collection method. The detailed methodological note for each survey is available on the official website