Italian Gymnastics Federation – Rome

    Italian Gymnastics Federation – Rome

    The “Osservatorio Valore Sport” forum organized by “The European House” Ambrosetti, jointly with Coni, Sport & Salute and the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, took place in the Hall of Power at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. The aim of the initiative was to return sport to the center of the political agenda, inviting parliamentary speakers Valentina Grippo and Mauro Perotto, and government officials, Marcelo Gemmato (Ministry of Health), Paola Frasinetti (Ministry of Education and Merit), Tullio Ferrante (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport). Promote the relaunch of sport starting with a report that is the result of in-depth research into the various areas within the sporting world. A careful analysis of the data with which to start a journey towards the Italian sport of the future called “2050 Italia in Movimento”.

    Following corporate greetings from Roma Capital’s Sports, Tourism and Fashion Advisor, Alessandro Onorato, it was Valerio De Molli, CEO of the prestigious international research and business advisory firm Ambrosetti, who presented an analysis of the current situation of sport in Italy. Through a 360-degree multisectoral approach. A picture of exercise and sport in Italy, created through a multi-stakeholder platform, in which clear contrasts and strong contrasts emerge. Inexorable indicators, in fact, see our country in fourth place in the ranking of sedentary habits of adults in the OECD periphery, worse than us only Germany, Costa Rica and Portugal, and even in the first place in the sedentary lifestyle of children who are also obese and overweight Overload is worse than just Americans. Spending on sport, compared to total public spending, places us 25th in Europe, with an index of 0.46%, ahead of only Malta and Ireland. Furthermore, the country is also very diverse in its geographical areas, by the regional index of accessibility to sport, in fact, Lombardy is found in first place, followed by Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna, while in the last nine there are eight regions of the south and Umbria. A similar situation is recorded in endowments of sports facilities and schools with gymnasiums. It would be interesting to know this data on gymnastics which, according to Istat, seems to be the most practiced sport including aerobic activities, fitness and physical culture, followed by football, swimming, athletics, cycling, skiing and dancing.

    But these merciless indicators contradict three, which makes the sport one of the true Italian franchises in the world. First of all, the extraordinary competitive results which Coni’s president Giovanni Malaghi ascribed in his speech to the great skills of the technicians, to the quality and passion of the athletes, to the indispensable role of the sports associations and federations, which render even, in part, even to the school’s sporting shortcomings.

    2021 was the record year for Italian competitive sports, as the report says, Italy is the second country in the world, after the United States and before China, in terms of the number of podiums won in major international competitions (Olympics, World Championships, and European Championships), and among them The one for gymnastics. The first European country in the number of medals at the Tokyo Summer Olympics and the third at the European Multisports Championships in Munich 2022, behind Germany and the United Kingdom (in this case, too, gymnastics made a significant contribution). “Out of the 1 billion euros allocated by the state to sport, which is equivalent to 0.5% of the 209 billion in the PNRR, 300 million euros have been allocated to sports facilities, and another 700 million allocated to the Coni system, which is the public of the body and therefore the country, not a single euro has reached” This is how Giovanni Malaghi, the number one in Italian sports, concluded his speech, showing himself skeptical about the possibility of repeating these extraordinary results in the future in the absence of government stability and continuity with political interlocutors. Circumstances which, in fact, also prevented the inclusion of sport in Article 33 of our Constitution, and which can no longer be postponed.

    He was echoed by CIP President Luca Pancalli, in friendly competition with fellow Malagò in terms of medals won by the Paralympic sport in recent years. Instead, Vito Cozzoli, Head of Sport & Salute, focused on the importance of introducing physical activity in primary school and on projects, active school and those of social interest. “We have shown the importance of the sports sector in economic and social terms – explained in conclusion Lodovico Mazzolin, Director General of the Sports Credit Institute – To encourage the spread of sports practice, we have started cooperating with Italian municipalities to develop infrastructures in the region. Since 2015, we have also provided subsidized loans to sports federations and clubs with a total value of around €1 billion..

    Interesting words by dietician and nutritionist Giorgio Calabresi and former minister Giovanna Melandri. Finally, the two other positive indicators that stood out at the forum, namely: the ability of Italian sport to revitalize multiple industrial and service supply chains, resulting in an added value of 24.5 billion euros for the country, equivalent to 1, 4% of the national GDP and the ability to create opportunities He worked by employing up to 420 thousand people. Delegated by the Italian Gymnastics Federation number one, CAF. The Forum was attended by Gerardo Ticci, Vice President Rosario Beaton, and put the question to the speakers’ table: “What expectations do we have for the Sports Work Act that is set to go into effect next July 1?” “We are working on improving it and hope to have it operational by the specified deadline.” was the answer By Undersecretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Tulio Ferrante.

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