In the US midterm elections, 5 states also voted to abolish slavery. But in Louisiana they chose to keep it in place

     In the US midterm elections, 5 states also voted to abolish slavery.  But in Louisiana they chose to keep it in place

    Not even this time bondage It was completely canceled in States united. elections mid-term Americans not only revamped the House of Representatives, a third of the Senate, the governors of 36 of the 50 states and many local offices. Americans also voted for each other on November 8 Referendum. Among these, 157 years after the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment Abraham Lincolnthere was one on cancellation subordinate bondage. constitution Alabama, Louisiana, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermontin fact, still allow it, in 2022, among the possible possibilities rod Imposed on those who commit certain crimes there I Works forced: Without compensation, rights, union protection and extortion. The results say that voters in four states have chosen it Removal Among the texts is the language that allowed this exception to the Thirteenth Amendment of 1865. In Louisiana Bright 60.9% subordinate voices oppositesThe referendum was rejected.

    Until November 8, they were in the United States eight hundred thousand Prisoners subjected to forced labor. Prisoners who refuse to comply with these conditions will be punished Isolation Or they lose the chance to get Penalty drop for good behaviour. In the 2002Before Supreme court guest statusAlabama that remained tied to a column below Sun for Seven hours. This is because he refused to be busy inseries Gang‘: Prisoners bound in chains, in their striped uniform, work on roadsides, in fields, and on railway tracks.

    In the country with one of the largest population Prison and up Taxi From Prison All over the world, the prison system relies on virtually free labor provided by inmates. Excluding convicts, the average wage for inmates is nationwide 52 cents an hour, which should also subtract some of the deductions made by prison administrations for taxes and expenses. according toAmerican Civil Liberties Union (Aclu), a workforce close to zero in prisons is producing almost 2 billion From dollar General in merchandise and beyond 9 billion In the maintenance services of the same prisons.

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