The UK government has decided to organize a national test of emergency alerts. The notification will reach all smartphones connected to the network and users will have to interact with the smartphone to disable it.
The appointment is set for Sunday, April 23, at 15:00. If you are in United kingdom And you have a smartphone in your pocket, your device should start vibrating and beeping A series of annoying beepsSimilar to a police siren. There are no viruses and no sudden crashes. Everything is in order ten seconds. It will be a test organized by the government to prove a new service Which will alert citizens in case of emergency across the country. The message can be received by the two phones connected to 4G network that Fifth generation network.
on screens smart phones This message will appear: “This is a test from Emergency Alerts, a new service from the UK government that will warn you if there is a deadly emergency nearby. This is a test. You don’t have to do anything.” According to the London government, the warning can be useful in the case of natural hazards, such as fires, floods, or other types of extreme weather events. Once the message arrives, users will have to interact with the notification to do so Turn off the alarm.
How does the alert system work?
Net test April 23, alert system from United kingdom Works in geographical areas. Notifications are issued by Towers ensure signal coverage. When an area is identified as having an emergency, all towers in the area are alerted to send the same signals to the connected phones. According to the press release anticipating the test, the i User data: “The government does not need to know your exact location or personal data about your device.”
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Risks of national testing
Where the test will be conducted randomly on All UK smartphones There may be some problems. A warning of this kind should be It is forcibly disabled, can become a problem for the driver. And not only. May be Troubled Anyone with a device they want to hide for whatever reason. Not to mention the possibility of annoying sporting events such as the London Marathon or English Premier League matches.
There are two ways to not receive the alert notification: Turn off notifications emergency or turn off the device completely. Alex Woodmanofficer Firefighterexplained that while it may cause some discomfort, this test may become necessary in the future: “The 10-second national test may be uncomfortable for some, but it’s important because the next time you listen to it, your life and your life–could be Our procedures for providing emergency services depend on that.”
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