Here’s how to hide “he writes”.

    Here's how to hide

    We all use WhatsApp messaging system but there is a way to protect privacy and make some information invisible to our contacts. thus.

    The WhatsApp
    The WhatsApp

    WhatsApp is now used by many users. System Free and fast messages Through them we can exchange text messages, photos, voice messages and even video calling.

    Really a boom in the world of telecommunications but not everyone knows that there are ways for it Protect our privacy when we use this app.

    Let’s find out how we can ensure our protection.

    How to hide some options and protect our privacy

    How do we protect our privacy on WhatsApp?
    How do we protect our privacy on WhatsApp

    There are ways to prevent spelling like “He writes” While we are composing a message in chat o “Audio is being recorded” While we are recording a voice message.

    In fact, not all users want to show that they are writing or recording. We want to protect our gestures and not show them at the moment of action. Maybe because we’ve rethought it, or because it takes a long time to do and we don’t want the other person to realize it.

    What are the tricks then? First of all, in order not to appear writing “He writes” You need to perform these steps: Turn on Airplane mode Or turn off the data on your phone before writing your message. Open WhatsApp and compose the message. send the message. Turn off Airplane mode and re-enable data for the message to be sent.

    It’s a trick to be sure That everyone who writes and composes the letter has all the time to do so and maybe even think about it. This way the other person will never know if they are doing it at the time.

    There is Other ways to protect our privacy with this WhatsApp application. Even if we send a message by chance and then reconsider it and We don’t want someone ara to read it, we can go to “Delete for everyone”, This way it will not appear on our phone or on the phone of the person who received it.

    Another way to Disable read notification in privacy settings. This way no one will know if the message has been read or not. Disable the famous blue tick. the same for Last access, we can set it invisible. Nobody will know when we last called.

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