Formula 1, Ferrari winning back would benefit the entire circus. There is a vein of red gold waiting to be tapped

    Formula 1, Ferrari winning back would benefit the entire circus.  There is a vein of red gold waiting to be tapped

    What’s called “red goldIt is a form of the precious metal, and owes its name to the fact that it contains more copper than silver. Although it is not known, it is Its rating is highas its evaluation is close to thatpure gold. Well, Formula 1 could have one in his hands Mine of this gold varietyif “his” red wins only one more time.

    Not that the current circus needs it. Although it is chloroformide tyranny Red Bull (For those who have lost count, in the past 10 months, the drink team He won 16 of the 17 GPs), CART is popular and attracts spectators. However, in the long run, monotonous frames and those who do not belong to the “hard core” can leave the audience just as easily as they were drawn to it. Especially in the US it is kinda exploited bubblewhich, however, may explode at any moment.

    In this sense, retrieve a file Ferrari the win It will be authentic manna from heaven. for many reasons. Primarily in the current era, where Narrative Become an integral part of the mathematical imagination, the return of a runaway horse would make it possible to produce nearly infinite matter. You can ride any kind of Trait Related to redemption, rebirth, resilience, the ability to find yourself in difficulty and so on.

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    Secondly, it will benefit Formula 1 as a whole. As it stands, from 2010 onwards all World Cup Finals have moved to Mercedes (7 pilots 8 builders) and Red Bull (6 pilots 5 manufacturers), with the latter already ready to add a +1 to the aforementioned budget. Such a situation was unprecedented, not even when it came to the dynasty McLaren And williamswhich “discontinued” alongside at 10 Back-to-back seasons, from 1984 to 1993. Now, however, we’re close 14.

    Finding the victorious Maranello’s Scuderia would benefit the category, since then It would undermine the duopoly. Toh, another potential topic to develop narrator, the third wheel is finally able to break the chains of a system created so long ago. Beyond the narrative, rocking the boat will be necessary with the aim of getting more audience and gravity. but, Ferrari The name remains, as they say.

    Finally a Iris in red It would help, first of all. in a runaway horse. Because the name and the story do not erase, but in the end one cannot live on the memories. Who cares more, the aforementioned McLaren and Williams? Once absolute excellence, today the second and third division teams. History of the last World Cup tournament that arrived in Maranello 2007. In other words, the teens They do not have never seen before Wins the Red. a whole generation Senior Ferrari loser or supporter.

    Someone will say: “it already happened”. True, the situation happened at the end of the nineties. But times have changed. there memory is shorter and the The cruelest world. At that time, the Internet was just beginning to move in and it wasn’t the ubiquitous network it is today. They didn’t exist Community or memes Founded by the team Drake They were portrayed as a joke and strategized as buffoons. and the The power of social mediacross or cheer depending on the situation.

    Also for this a Ferrari It is better to return to victory. And quickly. Not only for the past to be alone, but also for the present. In Italy it will always remain a legend, not said anywhere else. Today’s memory is the memory of a fish. Red, really. Ironically, this can also be aan opportunity. After all, if you easily erase the past, rebuild from zero The dazzling picture is relatively easy to do. It will be enough to start winning again. But it just depends on jumping horse And it can really be so. In fact, not only in the “name”.

    Photo: LiveMedia/Alessio De Marco

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