Final Fantasy 16: Video shows the special moves, in a riot of effects and figures on the screen

    Final Fantasy 16: Video shows the special moves, in a riot of effects and figures on the screen

    new video Shared by Square Enix shows us a short fight sequence from Final Fantasy 16 where a combination of the protagonist – Clive -‘s Eikon attacks are shown, causing a riot of visual effects and numbers on the screen.

    The video is more accurate than the official Final Fantasy 16 account at Twitteras you can see below to this address. Tweet text: “Which Eikon abilities are you most excited to combine in Final Fantasy 16?”.

    Recall that icon They are beings with great power, such as Odin, Bahamut, Ifrit, Phoenix, Garuda, and Titan. The protagonist is able to gain powers from these beings and use power moves in combat. It will be possible to switch from one Eikon group to another with a simple push of a button, thus it will be possible to combine movements.

    In this video, Clive starts with Odin move, then switches to Ramuh and then ends with Odin Zantesuken. What happens on the screen is that different special effects appear, especially with the electric spear attack, and multiple numbers appear that represent the damage done to the enemies. Of course, the screen can get a bit too dense with information in some situations and we suppose that may not be to everyone’s liking.

    We’ve already had a chance to try out Final Fantasy 16 and have shown you if the combat system works.

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