The epidemic is waning and the restrictions imposed on the old continent are beginning to ease. One of the leading countries is the UK again which actually tried to ‘live with Covid’ between last summer and autumn, only to fall back with the arrival of the Omicron variant. In London, the approach to dealing with the epidemic has always been rather weak, to the point that it was immediately decided to do without the Green Corridor and no obligation to vaccinate (except for health workers) was imposed. The goal now is to remove other containment measures including isolating the infected. comprehensive revolution. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a statement issued by Downing Street, explained that the British government’s plan would allow British society to “return to normal life” after “one of the most difficult periods in the history of our country”.
Another country that has decided to turn the page is Slovenia, which from today will not require a green card to access hotels, restaurants, bars and events or for travelers entering the country. However, the green corridor will still be necessary for access to nursing homes, health centers and prisons. The obligation to wear masks in public places also remains in effect, while the night curfew has been lifted.
A similar path is the one followed by Ireland which for a few weeks has already removed most of the restrictions imposed to counter the spread of the Omicron variant. Bars and restaurants have been allowed to remain open after 8pm, and the obligation to have a green pass to access dining, entertainment and leisure areas has also been rescinded. Public restrictions on live and sporting events have also been removed.
Covid: Restrictions removed in Scandinavia
Denmark too said goodbye Covid restrictions. As early as February 1, the obligation to wear masks in stores or on public transport and to show the country the green lane was scrapped. In addition, events and club attendance have been allowed. A similar situation is in neighboring Norway, which decided to end social distancing and obligate masks in crowded places about ten days ago. The Norwegian government also decided, in the wake of what Britain is preparing to do, to end the obligation to isolate the positives, who are advised to stay in their homes for only four days. Staying in Northern Europe, Sweden itself has abolished restrictions on bars and restaurants and eliminated the maximum number of participants in public events. In addition, the state is no longer advised to wear a mask on crowded public transport.
What happens in other countries
Restrictions have also been eased in Austria. In fact, the government has repealed the ‘2-G rule’, which allowed access to non-essential activities and culture venues only for people who had been vaccinated against Covid-19 or recovered after contracting the infection. Restrictions on the capacity of events open to the public have also been eased. From February 25, also the Netherlands They will do without it From the green corridor and almost all the anti-Covid measures. Only the obligation to test for those who wish to participate in indoor events with more than 500 people and the obligation to wear masks on public transport and air will still apply.
In France, the obligation to wear an outdoor mask has been lifted, as have attendance limits in concert halls and sporting events. The pass the vaccination (the Italian equivalent of the Italian Super Green Corridor) is still in effect for now, but Health Minister Olivier Veran has announced that it will be removed between the end of March and the beginning of April as long as the intensive care profession falls below a certain threshold. The Enhanced Green Corridor is currently mandatory in France for access to long-haul public transport, restaurants and many other places of entertainment.
Germany is also among the major countries Ready To say goodbye to limitations. The central government and heads of German federal states have agreed on a three-step plan to finish most measures by March 20, although a mask requirement on public transport and perhaps even in buildings will remain in place.
The final phase of the plan provides for the lifting of remaining restrictions on social, cultural and economic life, including the green corridor and a commitment to smart work by March 20. However, there is a detail that should not be underestimated, German lawmakers are discussing the possibility of introducing compulsory vaccinations against Covid-19 due to the relatively high percentage of people who refused to be vaccinated.
The debate over the green corridor in Italy
Is it Italy? As we also know here, something is moving. For a few days, the obligation to wear a mask outdoors was no longer in effect, discos were allowed to resume activity and rules for the capacity of public and sporting events were relaxed. Of course, there is much more to be done. Health Minister Speranza is moving with great caution as always, but the pressure to cancel the green corridor, possibly as of March 31, is very strong. Just this morning in anti-Covid measures, the league separated itself from the majority by voting on an amendment by the Fdi and alternative to “distinguish” between vaccinated and non-vaccinated students, then requesting a vote on an amendment to stop the super. Green Passage March 31, which did not pass.
One hypothesis, perhaps the most well-established, is that the green card has not been revoked Tut CourtBut we are moving towards a gradual easing of restrictions on non-vaccinators. Also on the table is the topic of inner masks, about which experts are very careful. Better leave it now, we’ll see in a few weeks.