Hope: Certain rules for the carnival
Zanchi emphasizes this but the protest chorus is unanimous. The same concern about illegal business comes from Silb-Fipe Confcommercio, whose president, Maurizio Pasca, noted in a note that entrepreneurs have long been willing to reopen the door, ensuring that health protocols are enforced. He applauded the February 11 reopening, but, in a press release, Filippo Grassi, the Fiepet Confesercenti National Council member in charge of entertainment was also said to be concerned: “More than Valentine’s Day, which also falls on Monday, we are interested in understanding how we organize ourselves for the Carnival.” “No place can reopen today for tomorrow and wait for Dpcm. The entertainment sector, discos and nightclubs need programming.”
So, the entrepreneurs in the sector – going back to the words of President Aswentretura Zanche – are demanding “compensation for all damages they have suffered, paying particular attention to the tax credit on rent payment As for the hotel sector. adhere to the absolute prohibition of all recreational activities that take place in bars, restaurants or other venues with the provision of severe penalties to managers who act in the misuse of the granted permits; Inclusion of companies in the sector in the NRP on a par with theaters and cinemas“.
Entertainment tax at 16% plus value added tax at 22%
Silb Fipe and Assointrettura wrote to President Draghi. The association affiliated with Confcommercio recalled the consequences of choosing the sudden stop imposed over the Christmas and New Year holidays “which destroyed about 200 million euros, resulting in a rise of 25% of annual sales volume”, stressing that the only possibility is that overcoming this collapse is a path Ministerial, identical and immediate support. Assointrettura proposed interventions for the government not only in the short term but also in the long term. Among the latter, the abolition of the tax on entertainment (Isi) today equivalent to 16% of the entrance ticket, the only tax of this kind in Europe, the reduction of the rate of value-added tax, now equal to 22% of the ticket for admission to dance entertainment events and alignment with the entertainment sectors The other 10 percent rate is envisaged. With regard to coordination, the need to adapt the capacity of the buildings to European transactions was emphasized.
In Europe, more people are allowed in discos
The capabilities of the dance halls were determined by the provisions of the Ministerial Resolution issued on August 19, 1996 entitled “Approval of the Technical Regulations for Fire Protection for the Design, Construction and Operation of Places for Entertainment and Public Performances”. The current legislation contains a series of rules, including one which states that the crowding factor for indoor buildings is 0.7 people per square meter and 1.2 people for outdoor spaces. At the European level, the average crowding factor is two people per square metre.
The failure to extend the Covid cash register is weighing on us
Discos were also affected by the deep tourism crisis in general. Marina Lalli, president of Federturismo Confindustria, shares the serious concern. He said: «The tourism situation in Italy is still precarious – according to him – with severe suffering of sectors such as hotels, tour operators and discos that have suffered the most. Organized tourism has been unsuccessful for two years, like discos, which closed nearly two years ago by law, of which it is estimated that a thousand will never reopen. Moreover, the lack of an extension to the Covid cash register is a huge problem for tourism companies who have to lay off their staff. It is clear that the whole game will take place in the coming months and that is why we welcome the action taken by the government aimed at removing all restrictions on vaccinated tourists even in the red zone. A decision that we hope will encourage the return of foreign tourists.”