Big data, from the UK to the Twin Towers, will be able to provide jobs for technicians and scientists

    Big data, from the UK to the Twin Towers, will be able to provide jobs for technicians and scientists

    Emilia-Romagna and Bologna have become a pole of global excellence in the processing of big data, that is, the huge amount and diversity of information that requires extraordinary computing power and allows useful processing in many areas. Since 1969, Cineca, a university consortium headquartered in our city, has been the most important national computing center. On November 24, President Sergio Mattarella inaugurated the Leonardo supercomputer in Tecnopolo, which, run by Cineca, will guarantee 80% of Italian computing power and more than 20% in Europe. Another state-of-the-art facility is the European Weather Forecasting Centre’s new data center, which will help push forecasting beyond limits, being able to predict devastating events like storms, floods and heat waves even earlier, thus enabling weather and emergency services to protect ourselves more effectively. Better and better treatments. The centre, based in Reading, UK, has decided to move its supercomputing facility to Bologna, where it already operates at Tecnopolo. Big Data Technopole is an important research center that will also be able to offer many qualified jobs for young technicians and scientists.

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