Big Brother VIP March 27 semi-final, elimination, which in the final

    Big Brother VIP March 27 semi-final, elimination, which in the final

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    Monday, March 27, from 21:45 a.m Channel 5And The semi-finals have been broadcast Big Brother VIP. The program is hosted by Alfonso Signorini. With him, in the studio, there are commentators Uretta Bertie And Sonya Broganelli. Existence confirmed Julia SalemiWhich has the task of reading live social feedback. In the episode, the last finalist is chosen from among the remaining competitors.

    Big Brother Vip March 27th, first contacts with the house

    The episode begins Big Brother VIP March 27th. The presenter recalls that at the evening two finalists are nominated. Like many, however, it is eliminated. Finally, the rest go to the nominations and only one can, within seven days, reach the final. I’m in the studio Patricia Rossetti And Antonella Fiordellisi. The latter apologizes to everyone in the name of the mother: “I was sick because I missed Eduardo and my family didn’t understand. I have never been bullied beforeFirst contact in house: Alfonso turns off the TV.

    The first topic of the evening is the relationship between Luca OnestiniAnd Oriana Marzoli And Nikita Pelizon. The Spaniards do not welcome the closeness of tenants. According to Nikita, in fact, the finalist is jealous: however, the interested party denies this fact. Onesini:I’m sick of these situations, I’m just trying to move on without hard feelings and tensionsDeepening, then, is devoted to the friendship between Luca and Oriana.

    After a frankly monotonous discussion, Al Big Brother VIP March 27th is the moment of the first judgments. The first shots Nikita And Melina, which were not eliminated nor were the finalists. Clip on Miconi and Luca Onestini: The feeling is that, tonight, there is not much content to show. The actress meets her husband, Mauro, who says: “I didn’t think you would get this far. You have always been conscious of what you are doing. You are polite and respectful: I am proud of what you have done. I am ready to marry you againMikuni then meets his two daughters, Sophia and Agnes.

    Eliminate Andrea Maestrelli

    to Big Brother VIP On March 27, a clip appears in it Micol Encorvia And Nikita Pelizon we talk about Antonella Fiordellisi. The former revealed her annoyance with the former swordsman: but for Pelizon, this antipathy may have resulted from envy in aesthetic terms. It begins with a comparison of Incorvaia and Fiordelisi. The latter proposes to her:Go a little further and start appreciating yourselfMikul said:I feel so much for you. I do not accept these things here“.

    We continue with the result of the telecast. They are also loyal Luca Onestini And Edward Tavasi. The deleted participant is Andrea Maestrelli. A surprise for Pelizon, who receives a letter from his parents. After the surprise, none of the contestants (except Melina Mikuni) go towards her to embrace her: Signorini, noticing the matter, is very critical of the contestant’s attitude. fiboni. The fourth winner has now been announced: it’s about Edward Tavasithat swept TV with 54.7%.

    to Big Brother VIP On March 27th there is a surprise. Luca Onestini He meets his brother Gianmarco: “I really miss you. We are doing our best to get you to the final. You were always there in the worst moments. I will always be there for you, through thick and thin. For me, the most important thing is your happiness.

    Big Brother Vip March 27, Fifth Finalist Selection

    In the Big Brother VIP Nominations open on March 27. The contestants are summoned Super LED, the three still in the game must vote to be sent directly to the TV. The least voted is eliminated, while the one with the vote is the fifth. Jiel, Micol, Alberto, Oriana and Eduardo vote Nikita. Luca Onestini chooses Milena Mikuni. Chose Nikita Pelizon Albert Debesis. Melina Mikuni, on the other hand, puts her at risk of being eliminated Luca Onestini.

    Nikita Pelizon He is the first on television. The latter chooses to run with her Albert Debesiswhich in turn is lengthened Luca Onestini. One among the three is a quick filter. Video showing tenants’ reactions to Fiordelisi’s launch last week. Almost everyone showed their happiness at the elimination. Antonella, outside the red door, has an awkward confrontation with Micol.

    In the Big Brother VIP Welcomed on March 27th in the studio Andrea Maestrelli. Then they get to center stage Nikita PelizonAnd Luca Onestini And Albert Debesis: they will know their results in the studio. Elimination is Luca Onestini. However, the fifth finalist is Nikita PelizonTo the dismay of others fiboni (Above all Micol and Oriana). Milena and Alberto are nominated: the most voted, next week, is the sixth finalist. Life ends here.

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