Ban speculators with bots? US law comes into effect!

      Ban speculators with bots?  US law comes into effect!

    If you’ve been waiting a long time to get hold of your precious Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5, here are some new features that should surprise you. US politicians want to take action against the “Greek bots” that allow speculators to instantly identify and acquire stocks before anyone else.

    movement against speculation

    It all began in the United States, where a group of Democrats proposed a law banning the use of computer robots to expand the range of high-value items, such as video game consoles. The project, called the Grinch Bots Stop Act, was pioneered by Representative Paul Tunko, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, Senator Richard Blumenthal, and Ben Ray Logan.

    When a high-value item such as a next-generation graphics card or console arrives at a vendor, the bot immediately alerts its user, far ahead of regular customers. He can then purchase his belongings by bypassing the waiting times imposed by the site to go directly to the cashier.

    acceptable law

    While this bill should certainly appeal to more than one bill, we should also know that there is an opportunity for a vote on it. In fact, scalping does not allow stores to satisfy their customers as they should. This creates a cycle of frustration among the consumer who falls prey to speculators. Then they set resale prices for two or even three times the in-store value.

    Not only are these bots a problem for consumers, but they directly impact small businesses and local retailers. They are not able to get stock, which scares potential customers.

    The last reason mentioned seems to be Christmas gifts. The Democratic group explains that it is unacceptable that with the Christmas holidays approaching, with such a difficult year, it is impossible for the average buyer to be able to offer the thing he wants without spending hundreds – or even thousands – of euros more. . So the politicians have a clear idea in their mind, to save Christmas for Americans! This will be an original movie…

    Among our British neighbours, a similar bill was introduced last year. There has been no news since then, but the UK government already has a law banning the use of bots to purchase more products than the site allows for a single user. case to follow.

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