Australia, a fossil skull of an extinct crocodile discovered millions of years ago

    Australia, a fossil skull of an extinct crocodile discovered millions of years ago

    Who knows how many species disappeared in the long history of evolution before scientists could identify and classify them into Darwinian classification. It was also about to happen to a wild crocodile that lived eight million years ago, and its skull fossil was found in 2009 in central Australia, about two hundred kilometers from Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory.

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    Prehistoric reptiles were thought to belong to an already known genus, but new studies refute this hypothesis. The name of the new species will not be revealed until next year at an exhibition devoted to fossil crocodiles in the Northern Territory. According to the professor Adam Yates From the geosciences in the museum and art gallery, the skull in question is the best preserved skull that has come down to us. “It definitely belongs to a new and unknown species, now extinct, which we did not think could live in central Australia, where no crocodiles have ever been found and where no one imagined the existence of rivers one day. This discovery makes us understand. How animals evolved in our country Better “.

    The new species is very different from the prehistoric ones already known from those that exist today, all of which come from another genetic branch. The skull that was found has larger and fewer teeth than other crocodiles. Professor Yates says again: “He definitely preys on large animals.” “For years it was thought to belong to an already known species. But it was sufficient to better observe it to realize its uniqueness.”

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