Amazon brings incredible news to Europe – and that’s just the beginning


    It’s one of the world’s most billed companies: the Amazon brand seems poised to support an environmental shift: Jeff Bezos recently did to that effect.

    “With superpowers, comes great responsibilities,” said one of the characters we loved a lot in cinema and reading comics. A sentence that sums up perfectly Enormous responsibilities That the richest corporations have it in a context in which human evolution must necessarily go through environmental change, retribution, and irreversible changes to the planet in which we live.

    JEWIRE GIF 17_04_2022 Quatromania
    Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon (Geek Wire)

    Now, whether you believe in the moral capitalist theory or not, it is undeniable that companies with a small country turnover must necessarily participate in this change. Companies like Amazonthe giant of businessman Jeff Bezos, who achieved sales $14.32 billion 2021 double the profits of the previous year.

    Bezos seems to have recognized the importance of a green turn, also in terms of transportation. Every year, a company that deals with online shopping and shipping related products purchased by millions of people has to run Heavy Vehicle Size very high. This is what Amazon has come up with to reduce the environmental impact of its business.

    We are only in the first stage

    According to Amazon estimates, vehicles designed to deliver and ship products travel a total of about 160,000 kilometers per year in Europe alone: ​​replace heavy diesel vehicles that alone make up a significant portion of the continent’s greenhouse gas emissions. Green color Sounds like a great idea Which could be a huge shock to the transition process.

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    Amazon all-electric truck (Electek)

    The latest news looks positive. Only in the UK, they’ve already arrived Five large articulated trucks All-electric will contribute to the process, along with the thousands of electric trucks already in use by the Bezos brand. The company is careful to remember that this is only the first stage of a much larger process. In the UK, it is estimated that 16% of harmful emissions are from heavy trucks.

    The cars that arrived in the UK in the last few days at the assembly centers of Tilbury and Milton Keynes are produced by the Dutch company DAF, a very famous company in the field of articulated trucks and equipped with two engines of 210 and 350 kW ensuring the power needed for the vehicles to transport tons of equipment. “By 2040, Amazon will be a 100% green company”, Guarantees John PomfreyAmazon president in the European country. We hope the goal will be achieved.

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