A life in the gym, illness extinguishes a liberating smile

    A life in the gym, illness extinguishes a liberating smile

    Veronica has been well known and appreciated in the fitness world and beyond. In recent months, he reported the disease on his Facebook page

    Mantua. “The sunny, determined girl, with great steadfastness, was easy to love.” This is how Millennium gym owners remember Veronica Libreri, a 48-year-old Pilates teacher who died after an illness she had been battling for some time. Libre was well known and appreciated in the fitness world and beyond. In recent months, he reported the disease on his Facebook page. But she did not miss the irony of being told to visit the hospital, she expressed her firm determination to look forward in spite of everything, she received hundreds of letters from friends who never left her for lack of support. Only a few days ago, on December 15, the day after his forty-eighth birthday, he thanked his acquaintances for the flow of letters he had received. “With us I started teaching hip-hop many years ago – they tell us that from the millennium in Belfiore – and then moved on to Pilates.” During the lockdown, he used social media to maintain a relationship with those who attended his courses. Father Claudio and Mother Tiziana announced that the funeral will take place on Thursday 23rd at 11 o’clock in the Convent of San Francesco.

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