The new leader of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, who was not

    The new leader of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, who was not

    Because of a typo in Excel, Hans-Peter Doskozil thought he had won for two days, while Andreas Babler was elected

    Due to a mistake in copying the votes, the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPĂ–), the largest opposition party in the country, had a new leader for a few days other than the one who had already won the congress. It was held on Saturday 3 June. On that occasion the victory was given to Hans-Peter Doskozil, the governor of Burgenland, who had begun to give some interviews as captain in the pictor over the weekend, expecting that he was already working on putting together his own team of collaborators. But on Monday SPĂ– announce Miscounts and victory is eventually awarded to Andreas Babler, mayor of a town in Lower Austria.

    The head of the party’s electoral commission, Michaela Grubisa, said that “due to a technical error” the votes were allocated incorrectly during last Saturday’s meeting. According to Austrian newspapers, the error occurred while converting some sounds into an Excel spreadsheet. In the hours following the announcement of the winner, the first doubts were raised, because some observers did not touch the official officials of the authority.

    On Saturday 596 valid votes were announced: 316 for Doskozil and 279 for Babler, but the total still came to 595. Over the weekend all the ballots were recounted, and in the end the result came out different from the previous one, and above all upside down. Baler received 317 votes to Doskozil’s 280. In announcing the new findings, Grubisa said there would be no need to initiate a new conference.

    After the correct winner was announced, Doskozil commented that he accepted the new results and predicted that he would collaborate with Babler. Babler said the error was “painful” for everyone, but now we have to think about the future of SPĂ–.

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